The Total "B" Page

Wasalaam Alikum all who read this!  You all know a lot about me by now.  I thought it might be fun to have a page where I post a journal, pictures, poems, and whatever other random things I can think of.  Be sure to enjoy!


This is my wife and me backpacking through a Pinckney Recreational Park.

 This is our entire backpacking group.  (From the left, that's me, my wife Nicole, and our friends Kati and Sidney.)  Here we are only seven miles into our trip.  We're a little tired at this point, but you can see that we're still smiling.  The picture is a little crooked because we actually set the camera on a dead stump and used the timer function to take this picture.  It still came out really nice though, don't you think?


Here we are after an extremely long day of backpacking.  (Yes, that's right, we carried those 70L packs for more than fifteen miles!!  We're smiling, but we sure are wiped out.  Here, we're sitting down to eat some yummy ramen noodles.  Mmmmmmmmmmmm.




This is a picture of my wife and me in Florida.  This is just a day after I proposed to her.  If you look close you can see her new shiny ring at the bottom of the picture.

                                                   Well, don't ask me why, but I love this picture.  This is another one of my wife and me in Florida.  I'm not sure why she's glaring at me.  (I hope she's not mad!  Hehe.)  Anyways, the chair in the middle says "Cheesburger in Paradise" which is one of my favorite songs because it is extremely goofy.  What do you think?  Good picture?

Howdy there 7th graders,

    This is sort-of a journal entry.  You all know that I'm fasting (just like many of you), and I'm having a tough time doing it, but I thought it was finally starting to get easier.  Then today I was at a meeting after school, and one teacher brought in doughnuts.  I wasn't even hungry and I wasn't even thinking about food, but I picked one up and ate it!

    I didn't even realize what I had just done!  I actually started to reach for another, but then Ms. Ring said, "Mr. B., would you pass me a doughnut.  You can't eat them anyway (because you're fasting)."  Right at that moment I knew I made a mistake.

    So yup, that's right, Mr. B. accidentally his fast.  Yes I'll make it up at the end of Ramadan, but I'm so mad at myself.  I should have paid more attention to what I was doing.  Well, there you have it 7th graders.  Your teachers make mistakes too.

Mr. B. or 007?


One mis-matched teacher